Thursday 8 July 2010

Sam & Ez

Calder was preparing Christmas tree and buying sherry and port wine in London when Samuel Beckett was dying in a Paris home for the elderly. Nephew Edward Beckett informed Calder about his uncle's death

Ezra Pound had a shelf full of Joyce's and Eliot's works. Well, that is expected, since the former was his mentor and the latter his disciple--but to have a shelf of Beckett's works is rather a tale of the unexpected, because Ez's couldn't stomach Sam ever since they met by chance at Joyce's in Paris, and Beckett never forgot his annoyance at Ez's egocentricity back in the 1930s. But on the other hand, Ez, passing thru Paris in January 1965, "summoned" SB. Ez  attended a memorial service in London of TS Eliot who had died on 5th January and visited the widow of his sometime employer WB Yeats. Ez stayed a couple of days in Paris during which Beckett, out of respect not love for the old man who was a Joyce associate, went to see him at his hotel and Ez invited Sam to dinner. Next day, Ez attended an "Endgame" show, and later recited to a street public some latter-day cantos

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