Monday 28 June 2010

The following is not out of malice against anyone, it is sheer art for art's sake.

Here's a million $$ idea

A staging of Sam's Endgame. In the dialogue, repeated throughout the play, we have:

Hamm: What's happening, what's happening?

Clov: Something is taking its course.

I will stage the scene like this:

Before Hamm speaks the above, Clov moves around until his back is to the audience. Hamm has a hunch that something is going to happen. Concerned and intense, he begins to say:

What's happening, what's happening?

In the middle of the speech, Clov takes off the first shoe and it whizzes past Hamm, with Clov saying:

Something is taking its course.

When Hamm says the second "what's happening?", Clov takes off the second shoe and throws it at Hamm, and while Clov is throwing the shoe, he says the second: "Something is taking its course"

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