Monday, 9 August 2010

Ancient Iraqi Correspondence

Ever since the dawn of man, Iraqi history has always and constantly been--and hence, no wonder it still is--eventful. For the past 6000 thousand year, hardly a century, nay, hardly a decade passed without some event, major or minor, taking place in Iraqi history. Consider the history of Switzerland. Apart from cookoo clocks and and banking businnes, hardly can one recall anything else. Niniveh, modern Mosul, witnessed the birth of business letter-writing and correspondence. No wonder I, being a native of that part of world, am well versed in letter writing and correspondence. I used to write letters to Hollywood movie stars ever since 1958 when I was mere 14 years old. The ancient local Niniveh government administrator would send letters to his representatives in the country-side to give him an inventory of the year's harvest and produce. Before Niniveh there was Babylon which witnessed the Amarna letters or correspondence which took place when the Kassite King of Babylonia wrote letters to Akhenaton King of Egypt courting his daughter. It is a pity indeed that in writing down (up?) the Bible, Ezra eclipsed all that--to use dear goold old Wordsworth's words: "glory and splendour"-- of ancient Iraq's heritage

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