Sunday, 4 July 2010

How do you find me?

Dear All

Please view my blog, and I ask you for opinion as Pozzo in Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" asks Vladimir and Estragon:

"How did you find me? Good, middling, bad, positively bad?", and once again I say like Pozzo says, "I hate to talk in a vacuum," and thank you profusely

1 comment:

  1. "Good, middling, bad, positively bad?"

    "Good...." for the most part: I've read some (not all) of your posts (given that today is Sunday, and I have planned to do other things), and I do find many of them interesting. Generally, unsolicited e-mail from yahoo addresses goes into my spam folder; for some reason yours did not.

    Additional comments:
    When you are alluding to material that you've read in biographies of Beckett and others (e.g., Knowlson's Damned to Fame?), it would be helpful if you cited your sources. Otherwise, it seems that you are just lifting material from others' published works and repeating it.

    It seems that you are posting other people's comments made to you in personal correspondence directly on your blog; have you asked and received their permission to do that? (There are copyright issues involved. Private correspondence is copyright-protected; its authors own the copyright to what they write, even in e-mail messages. If they are writing to you privately, they may not expect you to be posting their replies on publicly accessible internet sites like this blog.)

    Given the political and military situation in Iraq, especially in Mosul, is it safe for you and your family to post all of your comments (especially any that might be viewed as controversial) publicly on the internet?

    How is Mosul now in terms of safety for everyday citizens? Is it possible to move about freely without fear of being caught in armed conflict? Can you speak and write freely without fear of reprisal from unknown quarters?

    (I'm posting this publicly rather than replying in e-mail correspondence. Please don't edit or re-post my comments elsewhere. Thanks.)
